T-Align Input your data

The T-Align paper is now available for download. Click the "Publications" tab above for more information

Please choose an Excel file in the same format as below and choose a confidence interval.
Click the submit button to process your data.


Confidence Interval:

WARNING: Your file must be in the format seen below. The column titles and
SampleID's do not have to be the same but the first sample must start in
column B, row 3. Also the samples must have an empty row separating

Please click here if you would like to download sample input excel files to test T-Align.

T-Align compares replicate tRFLP profiles and generates a consensus profile from these containing only terminal restriction fragments(TRF) present in both tRFLP profiles.
Consensus profiles obtained for different samples are subsequently compared to generate an Excel file containing a list of all TRFs in all consensus profiles and indicates whether these are present or absent in a particular consensus profile.

When replicate samples are not available the "comparison" part of the program can be run independently.